
Recovery Capital Conference of Canada
Stronger Connections = Stronger Communities
September 7th and 8th, 2017

Presented by


Keynote Speakers

JUST ADDED, Minister Judy Darcy, Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions will speak at the conference.

Dr. João Goulão, Portugal BIO

Director-General of The General-Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (SICAD) in Lisbon, Portugal


New Approach to Drug Policy
-The Portuguese Experience
It’s more than just decriminalization.

Dr. Neil McKeganey, Scotland BIO

Director of the University of Glasgow’s Drug Misuse Research Centre


Using “Recovery Capital” to change the dynamics of communication and influence, ensuring health and well-being are at the centre of policy and planning.

Dr. John Kelly BIO

Lead Scientist on Recovery, Harvard, Addiction Recovery Management,
Elizabeth R. Spallin Associate Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School


From theory to practice: key messages from the current knowledge base on Recovery Oriented Systems of Care.

Dr. Claudia Black BIO

Internationally renowned addiction author, speaker and trainer


Recognize relationship of emotional dysregulation to addictions, identify dynamics of developmental trauma, list eight core elements to a healthy treatment process.

Session speakers

Dr. Patrick Carnes    BIO

Founder of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and Gentle Path Press

Addiction and Sex 4.0

Sex addiction is one of the last addictions to be documented by science, but it is transforming how we look at all other addiction.

Followed by an Edgewood Health Network Sex Addiction Recovery Panel:

Dr. Christina Basedow, Elizabeth Loudon, Ann Sulivan, Nelson Sacristan

William C Moyers   BIO

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Vice President of Public Affairs and Community Relations

From Now What to What’s Next?

A personal view from two decades in the trenches of Recovery Advocacy

Dr. Jane Witbrodt BIO

Alcohol Research Group, Associate Scientist, Formal and informal solutions to recovery from substance use disorders with emphasis on gender, racial/ethnic and cross-cultural differences.

What Is Recovery?

Elements that define recovery and the Science of Recovery systems.


Carson McPherson   BIO

Vice President Cedars at Cobble Hill

Assessing Recovery

Measuring and Valuing the Association Between Quality of Life, Recovery Capital, and Positive Outcomes for Residential Treatment Patients

Dr. George Vaillant BIO

Psychiatrist and Professor at Harvard Medical School


An empirical 60 year follow up of how the 12 Steps of AA and group membership render AA the most effective treatment modality for drug addiction.

Dr. Evan Wood BIO

Director British Columbia Centre on Substance Use


Recovery, Public Health
The BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) is a provincially networked organization with a mandate to develop, help implement, and evaluate evidence-based approaches to substance use and addiction. A report on the progress made in BC towards these goals.

Rita Notarandrea BIO

Chief Executive Officer Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA).


Life in Recovery Survey
CCSA and the National Recovery Advisory Committee will report on the first survey examining life in recovery in Canada. The survey gathered information on the lived experiences of approximately 800 individuals in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs across Canada.

Ms. Notarandrea will also be joined by Dr. Ray Baker with the following session
 Recovery Oriented Addiction Medicine

Addiction, although recognized as a chronic disease, has been typically treated with brief episodes of acute care: intervention, stabilization and recovery initiation – often followed by relapse. In this session we will review the shift that is occurring from an acute care, problem-based, professionally-centred treatment system consisting of silos of care, to a strength based, person-centred, collaborative, community based longer term recovery management approach.

Recovery in the workplace workshop speakers

Dr. Ray Baker BIO

Associate Clinical Professor, UBC.
Consultant Occupational Addiction Medicine.
National Recovery Advisory Committee – CCSA.

Recovery Oriented Workplace

Alcohol and Drug Policies, Accommodating the addicted/ recovering worker

Dr. Paul Sobey BIO

President of the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine.  Lead physician and an Addiction Medicine Consultant for the Royal Columbian Hospital.

Medicated Assisted Recovery and the Workplace

Issues of prescribed impairing substances, opioids, cannabinoids, long term recovery and opioids in the workplace.

Dr. Paul Farnan BIO

Associate Clinical Professor UBC.
Past Executive Director Physician Health Program of BC.  Consultant Occupational Addiction Medicine.

Occupations Addiction Medicine Overview

Contingency management, medical monitoring and safe return to work., Diagnosis and recovery oriented treatment planning

Dr. William Lakey, Workplace Health and Safety, BC

Recovery though an Occupations Health Lens

Dr. William H Lakey, Medical Director, BC Public Service Agency

Dr.  Lakey leads the multidisciplinary Workplace Health and Safety team supporting 1700 provincial public service worksites.  A focus on early, proactive workplace interventions including longitudinal recovery support are improving health outcomes, and building a leading workforce culture of safety and health.

John Beckett

Vice-president with the BC Maritime Employers Association,  Chair, Board of Directors, Public Interest WorkSafeBC

Addiction & Recovery in the Workplace as an Employer HR/Safety Leader.


Rebecca Gowan   BIO

Senior Policy Advisor, Human Rights Promotion Branch, Canadian Human Rights Commission

Human Rights, Substance Dependence, and Workplace Accommodation

A human rights perspective on substance dependence in the workplace, and an overview of the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s new guidelines

Neil Menard

Mayor of Merrit, IWA past Vice President

Panel Moderator, A Union Perspective,  how an effective jointly run, recovery oriented EFAP can function


Front-line Experience

Guests of Dr. Sobey, Dr. Baker, and Dr. Farnan with experience successfully implementing Recovery Systems in the Workplace. Guests will come from the nursing, airline, and other safety sensitive professions. Details on speakers are to be announced.



BUILDING recovery COMMUNITIES Workshop speakers

Jason Howell BIO

Executive Director RecoveryPeople


Recovery Oriented Systems of Care in Texas
Overview of peer and family Recovery Oriented Systems of Care in Texas, including Recovery housing, recovery community centers, recovery high schools, and collegiate recovery programs.

Dr. Jackie Hillios

Phoenix Multisport

Rebuilding lives in recovery through fitness and friendships

Leveraging the transformative power of physical activity and social connection to build sober active communities where members are able to rebuild their lives and heal the wounds of their past.


Dr. Lawrence Peltz

The Mindful Path to Addiction Recovery

Overview of peer and family Recovery Oriented Systems of Care in Texas, including Recovery housing, recovery community centers, recovery high schools, and collegiate recovery programs

Gary Thandi

Executive Director, Moving Forward Family Services

Substance Use Prevention and Intervention with Ethno-cultural Communities 

Pre-migration trauma, migration experience, marginalization, changes in family structure that occur upon migration, first, second or third generation identity, extended family and community influence.

Jim Myklebust

Orchard Recovery Center

The Value of AA and the 12 Steps

A powerful tool for contented recovery.

Addressing the challenges and barriers, and showcasing British Columbia’s vibrant 12-step recovery community.


Brandy Kane MSW RCSW

Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Women and Recovery



Gold Sponsors







