Addiction Recovery Management From theory to practice: key messages from the current knowledge base on Recovery Oriented Systems of Care.
ROOM: Main Ballroom September 8, 2017 8 am to 10:30 am
Dr. John Kelly, Lead Scientist on Recovery, Harvard, Addiction Recovery Management
Presentation Description
The clinical course of addiction is often a chronic one characterized by several episodes of treatment and shorter periods of remission and relapse, before full sustained remission is achieved. Although the majority of individuals with substance use disorder achieve full sustained remission, it is noteworthy that it takes several years following the achievement of full sustained remission before the risk of meeting criteria for substance use disorder in the following year is no higher than the general population.
This indicates that ongoing recovery monitoring and management over the long-term may be required to facilitate long-term recovery. This talk highlights the chronic course of substance use disorder and reviews the interventions and recovery support services that have shown to be helpful in mobilizing and supporting remission as well as the mechanisms of behavior change through which they work.
Learning objectives:
By the end of this presentation participants will be able to:
- Describe the clinical course of addiction based on clinical scientific findings
- Name three emerging recovery support services intended to extend and support recovery
- Understand the empirical basis for shifts in language and terminology in the addiction field.