Recovery Capital Conference – Calgary, Alberta
REGISTER FOR – Recovery Capital Conference – Calgary, Alberta- September 11th, 2019
Calgary TELUS Convention Centre
120 9 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0P3
Do you manage employees, work in healthcare?
The Recovery Capital Conference is now being held in 6 cities across Canada.
Join us for a national dialogue where delegates will be engaged across Canada to provide input regarding Building Recovery Capital in Canada, and offering suggestions for a Recovery Capital Tool Kit for Canadians, designed by Canadian Addiction Recovery Stakeholders like you.
Our goal by 2022, every Canadian with a substance use disorder participates in a nationalized Recovery Capital Assessment to sustain recovery from addiction and find their own pathway to better health outcomes.
Attend the Recovery Capital Conference and engage in dialogue sessions to assist in the development of a Recovery Capital Assessment Toolkit and learn about the upcoming New Recovery Capital Certification.
Receive the education that qualifies you for the NEW Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation Recovery Capital Associate (RCA) certification and learn about the Recovery Capital Professional Certification (RCP)
Presented by
Last Door Recovery Society | Westminster House,
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction | Cedars at Cobble Hill
HUM Health Upwardly Mobile | Fresh Start Recovery Centre
Orchard Recovery Centre | iRecover Addiction Treatment–
Calgary Dream Centre | Calgary Downtown Association
Calgary TELUS Convention Centre | CMHA CALGARY
Palix Foundation | Alberta Family Wellness |
Top of the Word Ranch | Sunshine Coast Health Centre | Homewood Health | Aventa | Poundmakers Lodge | Oxford House |
Who Should Register?
Physicians, Occupational Health Leaders, Human Resources Managers, Health Care Policy Makers, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Interventionists, Residential Treatment Centre Management and Clinical Teams, Students, Union Leaders, Community Leaders, Disability Management Coordinators, Professional Regulatory Bodies, Insurance Carriers, Labour Relations Specialists, Employee Assistance Program providers, Labour Lawyers, Safety Committee Members, Union Representatives.
With expert speakers, continuing education units, and exhibitors .. this Canadian Conference will engage delegates in the collaborative practice of solution-focused care for people and their families, supported by paraprofessionals, peers, and mutual support systems.
This year’s conference also features the premiere of a Canadian documentary film on the Portuguese model.
The Conference is collaborating with Recovery Day Calgary which is taking place on September 8th.
HOTEL – Hotel group rates are available for booking until August 1, 2019 with the mention of “Recovery Capital Conference” Calgary Mariott Downtown Hotel

Johann Hari
Rethinking Addiction Social Recovery in the Age of Loneliness
For Johann Hari, drugs have always been personal. One of his earliest memories is of being unable to wake a relative. Since then, he’s watched loved ones struggle with addiction, all the while believing in the basic story about drugs and dependency echoed by our teachers and governments. That is, until he set out to find his own answers. Embarking upon a 30,000-mile, 12-country journey to really understand the war on drugs, Hari uncovered a much different narrative—that everything we’ve been told about addiction for the past 100 years is wrong.
Vikki Reynolds
A Consultant, Instructor and Supervisor specializing in Team Development, Resisting Burnout and Organizational Change. Her work addresses Addiction, Substance Misuse, Diversity, Homelessness, Trauma and Violence.
Resisting Burnout with Justice-Doing and Believed-in Hope
I will differentiate vicarious trauma & Burn Out from the spiritual and ethical pain that our work engenders when we are unable to provide dignity and social justice with the people we want to be useful to. We’ll look at our solidarity and ‘shouldering each other up in dark times immersed in mean spirited politics and neo-liberalism. I will invite us to consider the transformations our work and the people we work alongside co-create. We’ll explore our relationship to a believed in hope, and resisting charitable and patronizing self-care prescriptions to workers. We will also consider a frame for Resisting Burn out that is client-centered, based on how we treat people, and resist pathologizing ourselves and other workers as mentally ill and deficient…and that’s going to bring us to The Zone of Fabulousness.
Nuno Capaz
Portugal’s Dissuasion Commission
The Portugal Model: How the Experiment Became the Model’
From Crisis to Solution, Practical explanation on how the Dissuasion Commissions work on a daily basis. It’s more than just decriminalization.
Dr. Raju Hajela
Raju is a co-founder and principal of Health Upwardly Mobile Inc. He received his MD from Dalhousie University in 1982 and his Master of Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health in 1988. He has practiced Transcendental Meditation since 1986, completing his training in Maharishi Ayurveda in 1994 and has provided continuing medical education programs for physicians regarding the benefits of this form of meditation.
Addiction is Addiction
more details to follow
Dr. Paul Farnan and Dr Paul Sobey
Addressing and resolving substance use issues – challenges for the workplace.
Substance use disorders in the workplace are costly, difficult to identify early and can profoundly impact worker health as well as workplace safety and morale. Employees with substance use disorders generally present with complex medical and psychosocial needs. The issues that arise when trying to assist employees with substance use disorders can be challenging and require collaboration between key stakeholders.This session is designed to assist stakeholders in developing customized approaches to having the difficult conversations required, coordinating assessments, treatment and follow up with the goal of safe and durable return to work. Using didactic and interactive approaches the presenters will discuss the foundations of a recovery informed workplace and how structuring a cooperative substance use in the workplace policy can benefit from this approach.
Dr. Ray Baker and Jessica Cooksey
Recovery Oriented Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills for Addiction Clinicians
A training experience for specialized clinicians, community based volunteers, paraprofessionals and primary care health providers, introducing the attitudes, knowledge and skills most effective in helping persons with addictions and psychiatric disorders as they enter and progress along their individual journeys of recovery. Topics covered include definitions of recovery, description, discussion, measurement and application of recovery capital and the principles and practices included in an effective recovery oriented system of care.
Additional Ticket Option – Evening Session, Building Recovery Capital in Communities and Family.
An American author of the books Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy and Beautiful Boy: A Father’s Journey Through His Son’s Addiction
Just Say Know: Helping Families and Communities Face the Drug-use and Addiction
In the past, people thought addiction was a choice made by people without will power or morals, who wanted to get high no matter how much they hurt their loved ones – or themselves. Suffers were shamed and blamed. We demanded of them confession and contrition.
But addiction isn’t a choice. It’s a progressive, chronic, and potentially fatal disease. People who are ill don’t need blame, chastisement, or punishment, but compassion, support, and the best medical treatment available.
Addiction doesn’t only affect the one who’s ill, but their family; every family with an addicted loved one knows the confusion, debilitation, and fear. Like their addicted loved one, they need support. They also need help navigating what can be the most harrowing challenge they’ll ever face.
The good news is that the addicted – and their families – can heal. No person or family can face addiction alone. To help our loved ones and families, communities must come together and work together. Our efforts must involve the efforts of parents, teachers and schools, social services agencies, providers of health care, businesses, faith-based groups, law enforcement, politicians, and others. When we face addiction together, we move out of darkness and suffering and into light, hope, and healing.
Moderation provided by:
Linda Lane Devlin of Interventions on Demand