Christine Bootsma – Recovery Approaches/Special Populations DAY 1 April 12th, 2022 Neilson Room 1

Session Description
Focusing on Recovery-Oriented Corrections. Looking at a strengths-based approach to involvement with the criminal justice system. How correctional centres can build bridges into the community based on strengths and partnerships. Lastly, looking at the effects on those who participate in the therapeutic community (outcomes) compared to others.
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate how correctional centres can build bridges into the community.
- Measure the outcomes of those in a TC vs those not
Christine attended Royal Roads University where she got her degree is Justice Studies. Christine has been with BC Corrections since 2007, during that time she was part of the Guthrie Therapeutic Community, the only therapeutic community within a correctional centre in Canada. Christine was also part of the development in Right Living within Corrections and developed training for all correctional staff. In 2018, Christine won the Premier’s award for Emerging Leader with the work she did in developing programs for men at Nanaimo Correctional Centre.