Recovery Coaches: Connecting with People, Treatment and Community

Dr Ray Baker

April 12th 2022 11:30 am Imperial Ballroom #5

Session Description

An essential component in the transformation to a Recovery Oriented System of Care, Recovery Coaching offers a unique set of competencies, roles, activities and locations of services. Recovery coaching compliments existing treatment modalities, helping them achieve better outcomes. Using solid theoretical approaches early research is showing benefits multiple measures of recovery.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • List 5 roles of Recovery Coaches
  • Discuss theoretical basis for techniques used in Recovery Coaching
  • Distinguish between roles of therapists or counsellors and Recovery Coaches
  • Outline the current outcome-related scientific evidence on the effectiveness of Recovery Coaching


1. McQuaid, R.J., Malik, A., Moussouni, K., Baydack, N., Stargardter, M., & Morrisey, M. (2017). Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
2.Killeen M, Recovery Coaching: A Guide to Coaching in Recovery from Addictions, MK/RC Publishing, 2013
3.White, W. (2006). Sponsor, Recovery Coach, Addiction Counselor: The Importance of Role Clarity and Role Integrity. (Monograph) Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health. White, W. (2009). Peer-based Addiction Recovery Support: History, Theory, Practice, and Scientific Evaluation. Chicago, IL: Great Lakes Addiction Technology Transfer Center and Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and MR Services.
4.Reif S, Braude L, Lyman DR, Dougherty RH, Daniels AS, Ghose SS, Salim O, Delphin-Rittmon ME. Peer recovery support for individuals with substance use disorders: assessing the evidence. Psychiatr Serv. 2014 Jul;65(7):853-61


Ray Baker MD (ret.) FCFP, FASAM
Associate Clinical Professor
UBC Faculty of Medicine

After practicing 12 years as a rural family doctor and over 30 years as a consultant in Occupational Addiction Medicine Ray retired from clinical practice to focus on the science and practice of peer and professional Recovery support. From 1990-95 he developed the UBC Addiction Medicine curriculum and wrote a chapter on alcoholism in Conn’s Current Therapy, a medical textbook. He’s a Recovery Coach trainer and consultant in Recovery Oriented Care. He served on CCSA’s National Recovery Advisory and Research Expert Advisory committees, designing and interpreting Canada’s Life in Recovery Survey (2016). In long-term recovery from addiction, Ray became a late life marathoner, an endurance triathlete and the outrageously proud grandfather of four-year-old grand-twins. This year Ray and Agnes celebrated 51 years of not-always-serene but, thanks in part to their continued involvement in their own recovery activities, remarkably improved, marriage.