The Virtual Format has now made our 4th Annual Conference an International Event, people from around the world have registered. Be part of the solution in your community.. build on peoples strengths to overcome addiction.
Recovery Capital Virtual Conference September 4th 2020.
Use Promo Code NAADAC for $25 off your registration
About the Conference
While webinars on zoom have taken over your work-life, the Recovery Capital Conference is NOT that experience.
We are using State of the Art Conference Software:
✔️ Striking up conversations with people in the hallway with commonalities
✔️Participating in a raffle prize
✔️Networking opportunities for possible partnerships
✔️Online Meet-ups that occur before, during, and after the event
✔️Ask representatives at exhibitor booths about their services
✔️High-Quality Streaming
✔️Professional Sound Stage
✔️Interactive Q&A to create storyboards
Virtual Conference Speakers
Recovery Capital Virtual Conference September 4th 2020.
Use Promo Code NAADAC for $25 off your registration
Soon registered attendees will receive a code to sign up for access to the Conference Software and let your conference experience begin.
Mental health and addiction Conference “Building Recovery Capital Virtual Conference” will feature expert speakers presenting on prevention, treatment, workplace wellness, and more.
This one-day Recovery Capital Virtual Conference will include:
- Expert Speakers presenting on Assessing and how to build Recovery Capital, the Science of Recovery, and other related topics.
- Earn CEUs
- Networking Opportunities
- Full Conference Experience
Thank you to our Sponsors and Partners
- Alberta Government
- British Columbia Government
- Last Door Recovery Centre
- Telus Health
- Gilead
- Global BC
- Westminster House
- Cedars at Cobble Hill
- Aurora Recovery Centre
- Recovery Counselling Services
- Turning Point Recovery Centre
- Scientific Supplies Centre
- Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
- Orchard Recovery Centre
- Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation
- Calgary Homeless Foundation
- Chopra Treatment Centre
- Peoples Pharmacy
- Edgewood EHN Health Network
- Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
- CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
Recovery Capital Virtual Conference September 4th 2020.
Use Promo Code NAADAC for $25 off your registration
What is Recovery Capital?
Recovery Capital is a focus on the development of social capital (healthy and stable relationships), material capital (finances and accommodation), human capital (mental and physical health, skills, and employment) and cultural capital (values, beliefs, and attitudes).
Let’s help build individuals, workplaces and communities recovery capital so together we can overcome addiction and mental health issues.
Click here to learn more about – What is Recovery Capital?
What people are saying about last year’s Recovery Capital Conference
“This is an exciting area of Addiction Medicine”
“The venue was perfect because even though we were indoors all day you didn’t feel like you hadn’t seen the outside”
“The conference was amazing and the only feedback I have is for the people who didn’t come and didn’t come on purpose. We all need to open our minds and collaborate on fighting addiction and mental health. Only then came true progress be made”
“Amazing networking that was happening, conversations so passionate and important they could not be at the session on time! I also loved that although the event was sponsored by private industry the speakers did not hold back their perspectives on same. This was also profound. This conference was amazing and I think this focus on recovery capital is the sea change or paradigm shift our system needs”
Whole Person Recovery: A user-centred systems approach to problem drug use.
About the Recovery Capital Conference
There are many conferences about addiction, this conference focuses on evidence-based addiction recovery solutions. Leading the change in care for mental health and addiction, the Recovery Capital Conference will feature leading international researchers, clinicians, and policymakers.
Who Should Register for the Recovery Capital Virtual Conference?
Physicians, Occupational Health Leaders, Human Resources Managers, Health Care Policy Makers, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Interventionists, Residential Treatment Centre Management and Clinical Teams, Students, Union Leaders, Community Leaders, Disability Management Coordinators, Professional Regulatory Bodies, Insurance Carriers, Labour Relations Specialists, Employee Assistance Program providers, Labour Lawyers, Safety Committee Members, Union Representatives, Nurses, RNs, Social Workers, people with lived and living experience and families.
Continuing Educations Units
The Conference Registration Packages include attendance, Continuing Education Credits and provide opportunities to create localized strategies on how to build Recovery Capital.